A letter from the incoming 2023-2024 Editor-in-Chief
(Photo provided by Brianna Burns)
Hello everyone!
As the new Editor-in-Chief of The Synapse, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Undergraduate Psychology Society for allowing me to further extend the work of the former editor-in-chief.
My name is Brianna Burns (she/her) and I am a third-year BA psychology student at the University of New Brunswick and hope to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology.
My love for research in psychology and related fields began at the age of 14 – at that point I knew I was destined to play a role in the development of psychological research within my community.
As the new Editor-in-Chief, I promise to follow in the previous editor’s footsteps by extending the life of The Synapse and continuing to represent the credible work of students in our department.
I hope to make The Synapse an inclusive environment for all psychology students, including those in interrelated disciplines. Psychology can be applied to many different fields, and representing its diversity is of the utmost importance.
By featuring research by our students, professors, and students from other schools, we hope to make The Synapse a place for students to feel inspired.
We are currently looking for five editors to help in the development of The Synapse! If this is of interest, please reach out to brianna.burns@unb.ca for more information.
I am super excited to continue the life of The Synapse!
Brianna Burns
BA Psychology Student | Maritime Eating & Appearance Lab Ψ
Pronouns: she/her
Written by Brianna Burns