Interested in making an article out of your perspectives on psychology? We would love to hear from you!

Have a story you’d like to share, be it a research experience, your aspirations as a psych student, or your career trajectory as a faculty member? Please view the relevant question set below and send your responses to . You should hear back from us in 3 to 5 business days.


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name and degree), your supervisor, the topic of your thesis, and the field it contributes to?

  2. What was the inspiration for your study, your research question, and the main results?

  3. Could you provide a brief summary of the methods/ experimental procedure used in this study?

  4. Are there any future studies that will be conducted based on your method or results?

  5. What would you consider the most intriguing part of your research?

  6. Is there anything else you wish to share about the research experience/ study?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name and degree), your research position, and the faculty you work with?

  2. What is your day in the life working this position? What is the overarching goal of the research project you are contributing to?

  3. What do you find most interesting about working this position?

  4. Is there anything you learned about yourself while working this position?

  5. How did you obtain this position?

  6. What would you recommend to students who are interested in working research positions but are unsure how to get involved?

  7. Is there anything else you wish to share about your experience?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name and degree), your supervisor, the topic of your research, and the field it contributes to?

  2. What was your research project (main research question, inspiration for project, methods, results if applicable) and your contributions? What drew you to pursuing this project?

  3. Are there any future studies that will be conducted based on your project? 

  4. Why did you choose to take the basic research course? To what extent did the research experience align with what you’d expected (amount of work, depth of research question pursued, tasks completed, etc)? 

  5. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your research experience? 


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name and degree), your supervisor, the topic of your research, and the field it contributes to?

  2. What was the inspiration for your study, your research question(s), and the main results or expected results?

  3. Could you provide a brief summary of the methods/ experimental procedure used in your study?

  4. What is the time frame for your project, and how far along are you?

  5. How would you describe your state of mind while doing research?

  6. What would you consider the biggest difference between studying at the graduate level versus the undergraduate level? Why did you choose to pursue graduate study in psychology?

  7. Is there anything else you wish to share about your research/ research process, or any insights/ advice you would share with undergraduate students hoping to pursue graduate study?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name, year of study, degree if declared) and why you chose to study psychology at UNB?

  2. What is the most fascinating thing you have learned about psychology from your courses at UNB so far?

  3. How far do you wish to pursue studies in psychology and why? (bachelors, masters, PhD, career, etc)

  4. If you met someone who wasn’t interested in psychology at all, what is something you would say to try and enlighten them?

  5. Is there any discipline other than psychology that you would seriously consider pursuing? Why?

  6. Do you have a favourite psychological film/ book/ song/ artwork/ etc? If so, which, and what do you like about it?

  7. Is there anything else you wish to share about yourself as a psych student?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and what brought you to UNB?

  2. What is your research area, and how did you settle on this area?

  3. How do you come up with research ideas, and gauge when an idea is worthwhile to pursue?

  4. What do you consider traits of a strong student and student researcher?

  5. Why did you choose to study psychology, and at what point did you know you wanted to pursue it (e.g. high school, university, etc)? Is there any discipline you seriously considered other than psychology?

  6. Have you conducted research in psychology that overlapped or involved collaboration with another field?

  7. Do you have a favourite psychological film/ book/ song/ artwork/ etc? If so, which, and what do you like about it?

  8. Is there anything else you wish to share about yourself as a psych professor and researcher?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and what brought you to UNB?

  2. What is your research area or area of expertise?

  3. How are the methods/ topics of your area related or applicable to psychology?

  4. Which courses or research topics in your area would you recommend to psychology students? Why?

  5. Is there anything else you wish to share about how your area overlaps with psychology?


  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself (name, degree, and university) your supervisor, the topic of your thesis, and the field it contributes to?

  2. What is the inspiration for your study, and the research question(s)? How does your study relate to neuroscience or psychology (if interdisciplinary)?

  3. Could you provide a brief summary of the methods/ experimental procedure used in this study?

  4. What are the main results you observed (if completed) or expect to see (if study in progress)?

  5. What would you consider the most intriguing part of the research process?

  6. Is there anything else you wish to share about the research experience/ study?