Do religious and spiritual beliefs predict positive life changes following trauma?
The Synapse . The Synapse .

Do religious and spiritual beliefs predict positive life changes following trauma?


Jay Nero is a PhD student in UNB’s Clinical Psychology program and a member of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies at UNB-SJ. Supervised by Dr. Mary Ann Campbell from UNB-SJ, his thesis examines how extensively religious and spiritual beliefs help first responders and military personnel overcome traumatic experiences. The study was inspired by Jay’s work with trauma survivors and his personal religious experiences in times of hardship. He describes the mix of curiosity and anxiety he feels while doing research; how grad school is marked by a greater workload that builds new styles of learning; how challenging, rewarding, and competitive grad school can be; and encourages undergrads contemplating grad school to discuss their thoughts and ambitions with grad students.

Supervisor: Dr. Mary Ann Campbell (UNB-SJ)

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Understanding well-being in Canadian university student-athletes
The Synapse . The Synapse .

Understanding well-being in Canadian university student-athletes


Siobhan Fitzpatrick is a PhD student in UNB’s Clinical Psychology program supervised by Dr. Janine Olthuis. Driven by her personal experiences as a student-athlete at UBC and UNB, she is researching student-athlete mental health by employing self-report questionnaires and interventions designed to promote well-being. She shares how her state of mind while doing research “ebbs and flows”, how grad school is like a full-time job, and the importance of a good fit between students and supervisors.

Supervisor: Dr. Janine Olthuis

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“It humbles me to be able to do research”: A Conversation with PhD student Jennifer McWilliams
The Synapse . The Synapse .

“It humbles me to be able to do research”: A Conversation with PhD student Jennifer McWilliams


Jennifer McWilliams is a PhD student in the Experimental Psychology program at UNB. She is working on a thesis investigating the use of exercise as a treatment for mental health issues, a study inspired by her personal experiences and discussions with her supervisor, Dr. Janine Olthuis. She shares how her state of mind when doing research can cycle from high focus and passion to low motivation and discouragement; how grad school entails more intense courses, more freedom to pursue meaningful work, and how it is a massive privilege; and encourages undergrads intent on pursuing grad school to devote extensive time to gaining research experience - even if it means taking a year off after undergrad to work in research labs.

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