“I am interested in how animals use sensory information to perform behaviours ": Dr. Timothy Erickson brings neurobiology research to UNB
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“I am interested in how animals use sensory information to perform behaviours ": Dr. Timothy Erickson brings neurobiology research to UNB


Dr. Timothy Erickson joined UNB’s Biology department in 2021 as an Assistant Professor and a Chair of Neurobiology. Working with zebrafish in his lab, he researches how animals use sensory information to perform behaviours, and employs genetic and environmental methods of study to examine the interplay between genes and behaviour. He recommends courses such as cell biology, cell signalling, genetics, and neurobiology for aspiring neuro and psychology students, and believes that the greatest learning occurs in research settings.

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“A keen understanding of neuroscience is absolutely essential when studying human anatomy and forensic biology”: Professor Kelly Miles’ Research in Human Decomposition
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“A keen understanding of neuroscience is absolutely essential when studying human anatomy and forensic biology”: Professor Kelly Miles’ Research in Human Decomposition


Kelly Miles is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Biology at UNB. Her areas of expertise are in forensic taphonomy - the study of how living things change after death - and the science of human decomposition. She describes her career path, her research on gauging post-mortem intervals, and how understanding the human brain is crucial for studying death. She emphasizes that human biology, anatomy, neurobiology, and forensic biology are interrelated, and encourages psychology students to take human anatomy and physiology courses spanning all organ systems to gain superior understandings of psychology and neuroscience.

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“Having a respectful appreciation for diverse learners makes us more effective practitioners”: Dr. Andrea Garner’s research at the intersection of psychology and education 
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“Having a respectful appreciation for diverse learners makes us more effective practitioners”: Dr. Andrea Garner’s research at the intersection of psychology and education 


Dr. Andrea Garner is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at UNB. With a background in applied behaviour analysis, behavioural and cognitive psychology, and strength-based education, her research interests involve improving the experiences of neurodivergent and equity-deserving people in education and facilitating their personal growth. She emphasizes that her current work in coaching, mentoring, trauma-responsive practices, and self-determination theory combines positive psychology and education. Drawing from the Master’s of Exceptional Learners program, she lists some psychology-related education courses on understanding neurodivergent learners.

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“My research is heavily influenced by the field of positive psychology”: Dr. Melissa Garrett’s Research on language acquisition, personal development, and inclusive education
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“My research is heavily influenced by the field of positive psychology”: Dr. Melissa Garrett’s Research on language acquisition, personal development, and inclusive education


Dr. Melissa Garrett is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education. Her current research focus is on identifying strength-based approaches to support language acquisition and personal development of French as an Additional Language students within the Francophone sector of New Brunswick’s schools. She discusses how her interest in French as an Additional Language developed through her time with UNB, how this passion continues to incentivize her work today, and also details the importance of inclusive practices within education and her research on gauging the narratives around inclusive education in Canada. She considers psychology to be crucial for understanding the needs, development, and characteristics of exceptional learners, and touches on how positive psychology, motivation theories, and psychology-based learning models inform educators.

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“The field of education is heavily connected to the field of psychology”: Dr. Paula Kristmanson on the Overlap Between Psychology and Education
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“The field of education is heavily connected to the field of psychology”: Dr. Paula Kristmanson on the Overlap Between Psychology and Education


Dr. Paula Kristmanson is a professor in the Faculty of Education at UNB and the Director of the Second Language Research Institute. She explains how fundamental the field of psychology is to education, referencing the work of educational psychologists and how positive psychology, self-determination theory, and neuroscience contribute to understandings of teaching and learning.

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“People are often surprised to learn the extent to which computer science is people-oriented”: Dr. Andrew McAllister on the Intersection of Computer Science and Psychology
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“People are often surprised to learn the extent to which computer science is people-oriented”: Dr. Andrew McAllister on the Intersection of Computer Science and Psychology


Dr. Andrew McAllister is a professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at UNB. He explains how computer science and psychology collide in the areas of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, software engineering, and computer-generated images. Drawing from his first degree in psychology, he discusses an example of how artificial intelligence could reinvent the nature of couples therapy, and shares some psychology-related computer science courses offered at UNB.

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